The Prospects for Remote Assessment: A Comparison of Phone vs In-Person Interviews in Nigeria
Managing Exits from Armed Conflict (MEAC) - United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research Findings Report
This report is based on a research study about the effects of the interview method on non-response rates and honest reporting on sensitive question topics. Specifically, the study set out to compare the answers to a set of five questions on drug use, victimization experiences, and social connectedness with the Boko Haram armed group between interviews conducted by phone and those administered face-to-face with an enumerator. The data comes from a survey carried out between May 2021 and early June 2022 (amid the COVID-29 health crisis) in the Maiduguri Metropolitan area and the communities of Jere and Kodunga, in Borno State, Nigeria, a region hard hit by the Boko Haram insurgency. This report provides empirical evidence on the potential for utilizing remote assessment of UN-supported programmes in insecure and/or inaccessible areas. This report examines what works to overcome methodological challenges in remote data collection in the context of armed conflict, specifically by identifying the specific roll-out practices that appear to bolster responses.
Torres Munguía, Juan Armando; Bukar, Mohammed; Yetcha Ajimi, Fatima; O’Neil, Siobhan; van Broeckhoven, Kato (2023). The Prospects for Remote Assessment: A Comparison of Phone vs In-Person Interviews in Nigeria. Managing Exits from Armed Conflict (MEAC) - United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research Findings Report, 29. DOI: 10.37559/MEAC/23/03. Retrieved from: