Child Recruitment in the Lake Chad Basin

Managing Exits from Armed Conflict (MEAC) - United Nations University Findings Report

armed conflict
Boko Haram
child recruitment
Lake Chad basin

Niamh Punton

Juan Armando Torres Munguía

Kato van Broeckhoven

Siobhan O’Neil

Mohammed Bukar

Fatima Yetcha Ajimi Badu

Anamika Madhuraj

Saniya Ali


December 12, 2022


This MEAC findings report aims to contribute evidence to enable a better understanding of the current dynamics of child recruitment in the Lake Chad Basin, in order to strengthen, not only efforts to prevent children’s involvement with armed actors, but also interventions that support them after they leave armed groups and re-enter civilian life. Findings highlight a range of social, civic, and family-based factors related to recruitment which may be of use when designing prevention and reintegration strategies for children in the Lake Chad Basin region.


Punton, Niamh; Torres Munguía, Juan Armando; van Broeckhoven, Kato; O’Neil, Siobhan; Bukar, Mohammed; Yetcha Ajimi, Fatima; Madhuraj, Anamika; Ali, Saniya (2022). Child Recruitment in the Lake Chad Basin. Managing Exits from Armed Conflict (MEAC) - United Nations University Findings Report, 22. Retrieved from: